Calculating Child Support Payments in Oklahoma: Factors and Formulas

Calculating Child Support


Child support is a critical aspect of ensuring the well-being and financial stability of children whose parents are no longer together. In Oklahoma, as in many other states, child support laws are in place to ensure that both parents contribute to their child’s upbringing even after separation or divorce. This article delves into the factors and formulas used in Oklahoma to calculate child support payments, shedding light on the intricacies of this important legal obligation.

Child Support Oklahoma: Legal Framework

In Oklahoma, the child support guidelines are established under Title 43 of the Oklahoma Statutes. These guidelines provide a structured framework for determining the amount of child support Oklahoma payments based on the parents’ financial situation and the best interests of the child. The primary objective is to ensure that the child’s essential needs are met, including but not limited to education, healthcare, and general living expenses.

Factors Considered in Child Support Calculation

  • 1. Income of Both Parents: One of the key factors in calculating child support payments is the income of both parents. This includes wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, and even certain benefits. The combined gross income of both parents forms the basis for determining the child support amount.
  • 2. Number of Children: The number of children involved directly impacts the child support calculation. Generally, the more children there are, the higher the child support obligation.
  • 3. Custodial Arrangement: The custody arrangement plays a significant role in child support calculations. The parent who has primary custody, often referred to as the custodial parent, receives child support from the non-custodial parent.
  • 4. Healthcare and Childcare Costs: Expenses related to healthcare and childcare are also taken into account. This includes health insurance premiums and reasonable childcare expenses incurred due to work-related activities.
  • 5. Standard of Living: The child’s accustomed standard of living prior to the separation or divorce is also considered. This factor ensures that the child can continue to enjoy a similar quality of life after the parents’ separation.

Child Support Calculation Formula

In Oklahoma, child support is typically calculated using the Income Shares Model. This model considers both parents’ incomes to determine the financial responsibility of each parent. The formula takes into account the combined gross income of both parents and assigns a percentage to child support based on the number of children involved.

Child Support Amount = (Combined Gross Income) x (Percentage)

The percentage varies depending on the number of children and ranges from 16% for one child to 20% for three children, with incremental increases for each additional child. It is important to note that these percentages are subject to modification based on specific circumstances, such as high-income cases or medical expenses.

Deviation from Child Support Guidelines

While the child support guidelines provide a standard framework, there are situations in which deviations from these guidelines can occur. Courts may consider deviations if there are extraordinary expenses, such as educational needs, medical expenses, or disabilities requiring additional financial support.


Child support in Oklahoma is a crucial mechanism for ensuring that children’s needs are met even in the aftermath of parental separation or divorce. By considering factors such as the income of both parents, the custody arrangement, and the child’s standard of living, the state’s child support guidelines aim to provide a fair and balanced approach to calculating child support payments. The Income Shares Model, which calculates child support based on both parents’ incomes, forms the foundation of these calculations, with the ultimate goal of promoting the child’s best interests. As families navigate the complexities of child support, understanding these factors and formulas can help ensure a smoother and more equitable process for all parties involved.