LASERSKIN.CA is an online resource for anyone who is looking to undergo a laser skin resurfacing procedure. The site contains information about laser resurfacing, as well as a list of laser clinics in Toronto, Brampton, Etobicoke, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, and Markham.
Precautions for laser skin resurfacing
Using some precautions before and after laser skin resurfacing can help you get the most out of your skin rejuvenation treatments. Aside from making sure your treatment is appropriate for your skin, taking good care of your skin can ensure an easier recovery process.
During the healing process, it is important to protect your skin from the sun. The UV rays emitted by the sun can cause serious damage to your skin. It is important to wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, as well as apply sunscreen daily.
Aside from wearing sunscreen, patients also need to follow their aftercare instructions. For example, patients who are prone to cold sores should take oral antiviral medications to prevent outbreaks.
Patients should also discuss their medications with their dermatologist. Certain medications can increase the risk of scarring. If you have acne, you may be prescribed anti-acne medications or other topical treatments.
Patients should also avoid situations that increase the risk of infection. Patients should also avoid direct sunlight in the weeks leading up to their treatment. The sun’s UV rays can lead to irreversible pigment changes on the treated areas.
Patients who have dark-toned skin should take extra precautions after their laser skin resurfacing treatment. Dark skin is more susceptible to permanent pigment changes, and it may take months for the skin to recover.
LASERSKIN clinics in Toronto, Brampton, Etobicoke, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, and Markham
LASERSKIN clinics in Toronto, Brampton, Etobicoke, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, and Markham are located throughout the Greater Toronto Area. They are a great resource for enhancing your skin with the latest treatments and technologies. Whether you are considering skin rejuvenation or acne treatment, a LASERSKIN clinic can provide you with the care you need to look your best.
Fraxel Skin Resurfacing is an advanced laser treatment that smooths and tightens your skin. This treatment helps improve the look of acne scars and gives your skin a youthful, healthy glow.
ThermaFrax is another innovative treatment that combines skin tightening and skin tone improvement. The treatment is safe and effective on all skin types. The laser beams target the upper and mid layers of your skin, stimulating collagen production. This process replaces damaged skin cells with new, tighter skin.
Laser Acupuncture is another treatment that uses therapeutic cold lasers to stimulate acupuncture points. This treatment is quick and painless. It is a good option for people who are nervous about needles.
Laser Hair Removal is another popular treatment that many people seek out. This treatment is effective from the very first session. You can also expect less hair growth, softer hair and fewer re-growths after each session. This treatment can help to eliminate folliculitis, a skin infection.
LASERSKIN results aren’t permanent
LASERSKIN is no doubt a big deal for some, but how long does it last and what are the real-world results? The short answer is about a year, if you can wait that long. Some patients are lucky enough to receive full healing in less than a week. Depending on the type of laser used, this may or may not be the case. LASERSKIN may be best used as a complement to a traditional cosmetic procedure, such as a facelift, to achieve the desired outcome.
Although LASERSKIN is not a cure all, a few minor tweaks may be all that is needed to achieve a more youthful and refreshed you. Aside from the laser itself, there is also the need for medical and lifestyle consultation. Luckily, Parkland Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery has the answer to your laser questions. The team of experts at Parkland will be able to assess your needs and devise a custom laser program to match your unique skin needs.
LASERSKIN is no doubt laudable, but you may want to think twice before undergoing the procedure. Some patients may have to undergo several sessions to achieve their desired results. As with all cosmetic procedures, the most effective approach is to consult a skilled and knowledgeable practitioner to achieve the best results.